Algorithm Conference 2022

February 10 - 12, 2022
Artificial IntelligenceGenerative AIBig DataBlockchain

Algorithm Conference is a 3-day conference that will feature no-pitch, high-level workshops and presentations that demonstrate how algorithms have been shaping and will continue to shape every aspect of our lives. Special consideration will be given to sessions that highlight innovative technical and commercial developments in big data, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and blockchain technologies, their ethical and privacy implications, and how they impact and are impacted by public policies.

  • Can AI be sentient and conscious?
  • Can AI be capable of understanding?
  • Should generative AI be recognized as inventors by patent authorities?
  • Should the (US) military continue the development of lethal AI?
  • Quantum computing. Hype or are we really making progress?
  • How are hackers using the Bitcoin blockchain as part of a malware infrastructure?

Those are just a few of the issues that our speakers will address during the plenary sessions of the conference. Some of those speakers include the following:

  • The first chairperson of Artificial Intelligence for the U.S. Air Force, who is now the US Air Force's current Director of Operations.
  • A research scientist at Uber AI Labs working on AI safety.
  • The director of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, who is also the author of The Case for Killer Robots: Why America's Military Needs to Continue Development of Lethal AI.
  • The inventor of DABUS, a generative AI that has made two inventions of its own.
  • A patent attorney, who, working with a team of international patent attorneys from around the world, is trying to get patent authorities, including the US Patent and Trademark Office, to recognize DABUS as an inventor.
  • A former quantum researcher at the University of Maryland Joint Quantum Institute and Georgia Tech Quantum Optics & Quantum Telecommunications Lab.


Joel Lehman, PhD

Joel Lehman, PhD

Sr. Research Scientist, Uber AI

Rishabh Misra

Rishabh Misra

Machine Learning Engineer, Twitter

Jigyasa Grover

Jigyasa Grover

Machine Learning Engineer, Twitter

Robert J. Marks, PhD

Robert J. Marks, PhD

Director, Walter Bradley Center for Natural & AI

Captain Michael Kanaan

Captain Michael Kanaan

Director of Operations, US Air Force

Stephen Thaler, PhD

Stephen Thaler, PhD

President/CEO, Imagination Engines, Inc.

Ryan Abbott, PhD

Ryan Abbott, PhD

Professor of Law and Health Sciences

Anastasia Marchenkova

Anastasia Marchenkova

Quantum Researcher, Bleximo

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