Credit Risk Modeling 2025
This GFMI conference will offer case studies, sessions and panel discussions to understand how credit risk modelers have navigated and overcome the changing credit cycle. One of the key issues addressed will be the scarcity of data to input into credit risk modelling. It will address how cutting-edge AI is being used to leverage data within credit risk modelling, and how credit risk modelers are planning to use AI, ML and Large Language Models. Another key theme will show case studies of effective ways to implement Credit Risk Modelling strategies against changes in Commercial Real Estate Lending. This conference will update Credit Risk Modelers on the latest regulatory landscape, as well as potential future regulations. Touching on case studies of the best practices when using CECL, and how to mitigate implications from the BASEL regulations. This conference will showcase how banks are using climate risk data in their credit risk models to gain a sustained competitive advantage within credit risk modelling.
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